Let’s Talk About SOGI and TDOR

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The inclusion of SOGI education in Canadian schools has been a hot topic lately, and November 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). Let's talk about these things, and how they relate. What Is SOGI? First of all, what does SOGI even mean? It stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Maybe you've seen or heard it referred to as "SOGI 123." The "123" has no meaning other than to imply that it's "as easy as 123." So why are we talking about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity? And why are we trying to make it seem easy?  Because everyone has a sexual orientation and a gender identity. Every. Person. On this planet. And it is easy. There are groups out there who are trying to make a mountain of this mole hill. They're trying to make it sound complicated and scary and difficult to understand. But if you understand that you are, for example, a straight man, then there's your sexual orientation (straight) and your gender identity (man) and that's all there is to it. It's that simple. Examples of Sexual Orientations: Straight (attracted to the opposite sex) Gay (attracted to the same sex; male) Lesbian (attracted to the same sex; female) Bisexual (attracted to more than one sex) Pansexual (attracted to all sexes) Asexual (not sexually attracted to anyone) Examples of Gender Identities: Cisgender Man (assigned male at birth; still identifies as male) Cisgender Woman (assigned female at birth; still identifies as female) Transgender Man (assigned female at…

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And the winner is…

The Unifor Local 111 Pride Committee would like to thank all members who came out to our second Big Gay BBQ event: 2GAY2BBQ on May 14, 2022, and everyone who purchased a raffle ticket! We drew the winner of our iPad Raffle fundraiser: Michael Pawsey at VTC! Thanks to our members, we raised $1,104.28 for Trans Lifeline and $1,104.28 for Rainbow Refugee. We had more than 100 attendees at the BBQ. Thank you for helping fight back against homophobia and transphobia at our IDAHOT BBQ! If you missed the event, stay tuned for Big Gay BBQ 3: Veggie Burger Drift…

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iPad Raffle Fundraiser

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Today is the last day to purchase raffle tickets for the Unifor Local 111 Pride Committee's fundraiser! The prize is a 256GB iPad Air (2022 model) valued at almost $1,000. Tickets are $10 each and the winner will be drawn at the Pride Committee's BBQ at Queen's Park tomorrow, Saturday, May 14! The funds raised from ticket sales will be donated to Trans Lifeline and Rainbow Refugee!

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Political Philosophy

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Unions and Pride have gone hand-in-hand since the UK's National Union of Mineworkers' strike in 1984, when Lesbians & Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) was formed by Mark Ashton. In response to the group's support, the National Union of Mineworkers was the first Union to enshrine LGBTQ+ rights into their Constitution in 1985. By necessity, both Pride and Unionism are political. Unions are involved in politics for three main reasons: 1. Gain recognition of the right of workers to form unions and bargain collectively; 2. Protect the gains they have won through collective bargaining;3. Promote justice and equal economic opportunity for all.Canadian Labour Congress These reasons can be applied in some way or another to why Pride is also political: recognition of the rights of queer people, protection of the gains queer people have won, and promotion of justice and equity for all. So what exactly is political philosophy? "Political philosophy or political theory is the philosophical study of government, addressing questions about the nature, scope, and legitimacy of public agents and institutions and the relationships between them. Its topics include politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and the enforcement of laws by authority: what they are, if they are needed, what makes a government legitimate, what rights and freedoms it should protect, what form it should take, what the law is, and what duties citizens owe to a legitimate government, if any, and when it may be legitimately overthrown, if ever."Wikipedia Corporations that wish to remain politically unaffiliated use…

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Pride Committee Website

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Welcome to the Unifor Local 111 Pride Committee's brand new website! Here, you can stay up-to-date on the Committee's meetings, events, and projects we are working on. Stay tuned for a special TOP SECRET project launching on June 1, 2022!

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Big Gay BBQ™ 2

  • Post category:Events

Folks, it is time once again… for the Big Gay BBQ! 2.0 Spring Edition! This time we are supporting International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (which occurs every year on May 17) by raising money for two charities: Trans Lifeline and Rainbow Refugee! The food is still free, but donations are welcomed! So make sure you plan your schedules accordingly, book those BOT days, make those shift trades, and COME OUT on May 14 to Queen’s Park in New Westminster for a gay ol’ time! There will be loads of hot sausages and hot buns! And options for the meatless among us! But the food will go FAST! This is a family friendly event and ALL members are welcome! Bring your dog! Bring your kid! We will also draw the winner of the iPad raffle at the BBQ!

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