February 28 is Pink Shirt Day. Today we work to end all forms of bullying which includes misogyny, racism, homophobia and transphobia. Originally, Pink Shirt Day started as a result of homophobic bullying at school and has since expanded to fight bullying for any inherent human trait that may make someone different.
Imagine being bullied for the colour and style of your clothes as a child. Or imagine being a member and any minor changes to make you feel safe are met with complaints and vandalism.
So what does that mean for us? We’re about 4000 strong with a mix of different people coming from different backgrounds, making us collectively a diverse force for change. Not just for the membership but also for the community we work in. Wearing your pink shirt today will show that you support the end of bullying.
In 2007, in Berwick Nova Scotia, after a new student at their school was bullied for wearing a pink polo shirt, two grade 12 students bought 50 pink shirts and encouraged their classmates to wear pink. The next day they went to distribute the shirts and to their surprise, the majority of students arrived wearing pink! With that act of kindness, Pink Shirt Day was born.
In recognition of the Berwick event, Nova Scotia proclaimed the second Thursday of September “Stand Up Against Bullying Day.” In 2008, British Columbia proclaimed February 27th to be the provincial anti-bullying day, and the movement has continued to grow. In 2012, the United Nations declared May 4 as Anti-Bullying Day, and now the last Wednesday each February is Canada’s national Pink Shirt/anti-bullying day.
Unifor National Statement on Pink Shirt Day:
As we approach February 28, Pink Shirt Day, we stand firm in our commitment to fostering communities of respect and inclusivity.
Pink Shirt Day originated from an inspiring act of kindness in 2007 when a group of students in Nova Scotia rallied behind a fellow student who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Since then, it has grown into a global movement symbolizing our collective stand against bullying in all its forms.
This year, on February 28th, we urge all Unifor members to proudly wear pink and join us in standing together against bullying. Each pink shirt worn demonstrates our solidarity and represents an important pledge to actively combat bullying and discrimination wherever it may arise.
It’s no secret that some politicians use hate and division to distract from real issues impacting workers and communities. As our union has exemplified in a year of significant stands against power, when we come together, we win. We too can unite against bullying by lifting each other, seeking to better understand one another, and building workplaces and communities where everyone feels welcomed and included.
Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and identities. Whether it occurs in the workplace, schools, online, or within our communities, its impact can be profound and lasting. By wearing pink on Pink Shirt Day, we send a powerful message of solidarity that bullying will not be tolerated and that we stand for kindness, empathy, and compassion.
We encourage all Unifor members to participate in Pink Shirt Day by wearing pink on February 28, sharing messages of support on social media (tag @UniforCanada on Facebook and Instagram and @UniforTheUnion on X), and engaging in activities that promote kindness. On Pink Shirt Day and every day, let’s do everything we can so love wins.
Please send photos of you and your colleagues wearing pink shirts to communications@unifor.org and watch the sea of pink grow on our Unifor Facebook Album.